
Dominik Nitsch | Venture Athlete

Entrepreneur, Lacrosse Athlete, & International Expansion expert. Frameworks & strategies for people who want to do more than just one thing in their life. Join hundreds of generalists and unlock your full potential. 🔓

How to go into (Half-)Monk Mode [#47]

How to go into (Half-) Monk Mode A trend called "Monk Mode" has been all over the internet. I think it's unsustainable. Here's a better way. Read this in your browser. Hey Reader, & happy Monday! I’m f***ing excited - because it’s Launch Week. Tomorrow, I’m launching my first ever online course called Personal Productivity OS. You’ll get another email tomorrow when it’s live - so make sure to check your inbox. I put everything that I have into it. You’ll like it. But first, I owe you a...

The Meta Skill Tier List [#46]

The Meta Skill Tier List [#46] The faster the world changes, the more relevant meta skills become. Here's a non-exhaustive, ranked list of skills that I believe will be highly relevant in the future. Read this in your browser. Hey there, & happy Monday! (+ a warm welcome to the 12 legends who joined this newsletter since the last issue!) The faster the world changes, the more relevant meta skills will become. As I’ve outlined in “The Future Belongs To Generalists”: “The first part of becoming...

Generalism isn’t a “disease”. It’s a blessing. [#45]

A superior early-career option to IB, PE, and consulting. [#45] Why you shouldn't stick in certain "generalist" jobs, but also why being a generalist still is a great thing. Read this in your browser. As a valued subscriber of this newsletter, you might consider yourself a generalist. I certainly consider myself one. I’m proud of it - proud to be an integrator, a connector, someone that does a lot of things decently and sees patterns where others see none. So when I stumbled upon an article...

How to (not) take a sabbatical [#44]

How to (not) take a sabbatical [#44] I just took six months off work. It was fun, but I could've done a lot of things better. Here's what I learned. Read this in your browser. Hey Reader & happy Monday! Today, I want to share a few reflections with you. This’ll be slightly different, more personal than usual. Because I just took six month off “work”, and want to share my experiences with you. Ready? Let’s dive in. The Mini-Retirement In 2014, I read a book that would change my life: “The...

How to increase your market value [#43]

How to increase your market value [#43] The higher your market value, the higher your salary. It works in sports - why not for knowledge workers? Read this in your browser. Hey Reader & happy Monday! Today, in true generalist fashion, we're drawing a parallel from professional sports to knowledge work. Let's dive in. I just finished reading Netflix’s famous 130 slide culture deck from 2009. There’s plenty of nuggets in there, but one of them got me thinking: “Some people will move up in comp...

How to master the basics [#42]

How to master the basics [#42] Struggle to improve a skill? You're probably working off a weak foundation. Begin there. Read this in your browser. Hey Reader & good morning! Today, let’s talk about fundamentals: the things that we all know we should be doing, but aren’t - because we believe there’s a magic pill, an easy way out. In sports and in business, mastering the fundamentals is the key to sustained success. Let’s dive in. This is one of my favorite Magic: the Gathering cards. At age...

How to become a generalist [#41]

The future belongs to generalists. Here's how to become one. A three-step framework to build your expertise as generalist. It’s not too late to unspecialize. Read on my website. Hey Reader, happy Monday! Today, we'll look at why I believe that it's better to be a generalist than a specialist, and how you can become one. Let's dive in. Problem The future belongs to generalists, not specialists. Here’s Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, breaking it down: “Favoring specialization over...

How to stick to any protocol [#40]

How to stick to any protocol [#40] Hint: it's not what you think. By trying less hard, you will increase your success in sticking to anything. Read on my website. A common problem that all of us have faced at some point is sticking to a routine, a plan, a diet. There’s a counter-intuitive way to solve this. Today, I want to share this way with you, and give you some peace of mind. Life isn’t just about doing things perfectly, but also about enjoying it. Let’s dive in. … after the commercial...

How to work with consistency [#39]

How to work with consistency [#39] You achieve extraordinary results by doing ordinary things for an extraordinary amount of time. Hey Reader! Is it hard for you to stick with things? If so, this newsletter might be for you. Problem Statement I recently noticed this comment on LinkedIn: “This is one area I need to improve: consistency. I’m great at sprints, but short bursts of energy don’t have the same compounding effect.” Right down my alley. Let's dive in. Intro Consistency is magical: you...

A simple method to implement more systems in your life [#38]

A simple method to implement more systems in your life [#38] Make your life repeatable, scalable, and predictable by using systems - so you can focus on what truly matters. Dominik Nitsch Entrepreneur, Athlete, & Writer Hey Reader! In business, the key to operational excellence is implementing systems. We do this all the time in our jobs, but neglect it in our personal life. Today, I want to show you a simple method how you can implement systems in your day-to-day life - just as you would in...

Entrepreneur, Lacrosse Athlete, & International Expansion expert. Frameworks & strategies for people who want to do more than just one thing in their life. Join hundreds of generalists and unlock your full potential. 🔓